Growing old is a feat not all of us achieve. Turning 100 is considered a miracle, as many of us would feel lucky to reach 90. A man’s father is about to turn 104, which is a big deal. In honor of his dad, he tweeted that the world should send him 104 birthday wishes – one for each year of his life. Kevin was unprepared for the number of wishes that came in for his father at his ripe old age.

A tweet was sent to his father by him
Kevin Mills’ father is about to turn 104 years old. Kevin tweeted 104 birthday wishes to his father before the big day.
Here’s my dad, Gerald. The tweet read, “He turns 104 on 12 July.”. Would Twitter be able to wish him 104 happy birthdays? In equal measure, he’ll be amazed and baffled.”
Since then, the tweet has gone viral. Being 104 years old isn’t something you hear every day, so this isn’t surprising. Mark Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, commented on the tweet with a birthday cake emoji and said: “For Gerald.”.
A British comedian and actor also wished Gerald a happy birthday. “Happy birthday, Gerald.” he said.
“Gerald!” he said. Look amazing!”
Ilene Pretorius, or @Ilenetjie, replies to the tweet by suggesting Gerald has aged better than her father. She looks the same age as her father, even though Gerald is turning 104 and her father is in his 70s.
Wishing you a very happy birthday on the 12th, Gerald! It’s great to see you! My dad, Robert, turned 75 on June 23rd. However, he appears to be about the same age as you. I hope he can maintain those looks for the next 30 years.”
Here are some more birthday tweets
Gerald received birthday love from more than just the famous. He also received birthday wishes from others whose parents share Gerald’s birthday. “Cheers, Gerald!” said Texas Blue Bonnet. It’s also my birthday on July 12th, so let’s toast to us! According to my granddaughter, the secret to a long life is to be cute, but I think you already know that from the pic you sent.” A cute picture of the grandchild was included in the reply.
@companionkate commented: “Happy Birthday, Gerald. The 12th of July is my dad’s birthday. It would have been his 70th birthday this year, but he just passed away on May 14th. In conclusion, she added a picture of her father, whom she loved and missed so much.
One more reply was made by someone who truly went the extra mile. He even found the newspaper that was printed on the day Gerald was born. He replied with a picture of the paper and said: “Happy Birthday Gerald!” Below is the Leominster News from your birthday. Next, we’re having a sale, so nothing changes. Have a wonderful day!“
“Sir Gerald“
Tracee Loran commented: “I’m really enjoying this thread. Sir Gerald has started something special! We celebrate our elders and their milestones! She ended her response with a selfie of her and her 95-year-old grandmother.
Sources : Upworthy. Sethuraman S. July 11, 2022. Bored Panda. Eglė Radžiūtė. July 12, 2022