Single Mom Has To Skip Class Because Childcare Fell Through – Professor Offers To Help

As a parent, you know how difficult that job can be. If you don’t have children, you probably know someone who does. In many families, being a parent is a full-time job that is both rewarding and challenging. If you’re the sole parent, it’s even more bittersweet. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, only 35% of single moms over 25 have a bachelor’s degree or higher. 89 percent of single mothers in college have poor earnings, according to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research.

Morgan King, a single mother, had trouble finding someone to watch her child when she needed help the most. She was not only a single mother, but also a student. King juggled being a mom and going to school while earning her degree from the University of Tennessee. King was without daycare one day and didn’t know what to do. On that day, King realized she needed to inform her professor about her absence from class. King wrote Sally Hunter, an assistant professor in the Department of Child and Family Studies, with reservations.

King’s assistant professor gave her the response of a lifetime to her amazement. King was so delighted and surprised by her professor’s reply that she immediately went online. She posted a screenshot of the email on her Twitter page, where it quickly went viral. Over 24,000 people liked the post.

On Twitter, King wrote, “I missed class yesterday because I couldn’t get childcare. This is her response.”. I’m crying uncontrollably. I’m so grateful/blessed.”

You’ll be surprised at the teacher’s response.

In response, Hunter said, “I am so sorry to hear you missed class today due to childcare concerns.” “In the future, if you have trouble finding someone to watch Korbyn, you may bring her with you to class,” Hunter said. Even the professor stated that she would like to help with the child’s care.

I will hold her so you can concentrate in class and take notes.” How bad would it be if I refused to have a child visit our class because I work for the Department of Child and Family Studies? My offer is serious- just bring Korbyn along!” She was done.

My professor said, “awe crap, I thought you were going to bring Korbyn today,” King tweeted later.

King’s assistant professor surprised everyone with this gift, especially her.

As a youngster, my mother took me to her evening classes at UT, where she was a single mother and student. I’m glad you have so much help!”

Its first tweet has received over 292 comments, 5,000 retweets, and over 24,000 likes.

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