One of the greatest tragedies that can befall children in foster care is sibling separation. In many cases the brothers go to different homes and do not see each other for years.
One man could not bear the thought of accepting his five siblings. In 2019, he began supporting three brothers, Robert Jr., Giovanni and Kiontae. It wasn’t long before he learned that they had two sisters, Marionna and Makayla.
The girls lived separately from the boys of the adoptive family. They did not see each other for six months. Carter brought the girls home to visit and they cried. They didn’t want to leave each other, and that’s when Carter knew they had to take them, he said.
Carter grew up in kindergarten, so he knows where the kids go. He has nine siblings, but he has not seen his younger brother since he was two years old.
“Personally, I knew how important it was for them to see each other and to be close to each other. When I was with my boys before I got girls, that was all the sisters talked about. ”
Carter was given a larger house to live in for this large family, and on October 30, 2020, they became a family of six. Stacey Martin is the adoption officer. When she first saw her single father having five siblings, she knew it was all right.
“I have had married couples who have welcomed six or seven, so this has been a unique experience for me. Children need families, and it is an opportunity for Mr Carter to show the community that he can do it and so can others. ”
“For me, the kids are focused on the family. Children need families, and it has been my opportunity to show the community that I can do it like everyone else. ”Claims Carter.
For children in foster care, siblings can provide a sense of comfort. They can also serve as a protection for the mental health of others, help them adjust to their new homes, and help improve their academic performance.
Placing children in the same care home has been shown to lead to higher levels of integration, adoption and custody. However, there are many reasons why your siblings may be placed in the same foster family. Separation and unusual visits can lead to sibling relationships atrophy and in some cases lead to permanent separation. Another consideration stems from the suffering experienced by children.
Although cohabitation is a priority for those who help, this does not always happen. Officials will try to place children in the same location or in the school district, or at least ensure regular visits between children to maintain relationships. If they cannot afford to keep siblings in the same home, they may try to live with foster parents, relatives or separated friends to maintain good communication. Each group of siblings presents different challenges to the care system, some of which are numerous.
Robert Jr.Giovanni Kiontae, Marionna and Makayla are lucky to have their father accept them. But also the special bond between our brothers and sisters, which brought them together, was not overlooked.
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