After 27 years of marriage, my mother is separating from my father

There’s something concerning about my father: he doesn’t have any friends or hobbies, and he has a history of depression and drinking.

My sister and I are in our late 20s.

My mother, age 50, dropped an unexpected bombshell: she is leaving my father after 27 years of marriage. She revealed that she has been seeing someone for a few weeks (she did this with another waiter when I was about eight; my dad forgave her)

It has been a very difficult time for my father. He is devoted to my mother and doesn’t have any family or close friends to help him through this.

His main problem is that he is antisocial, negative, and angry.

There are two other children from a previous marriage that he does not see, and I don’t have a great relationship with him. One of his good qualities is that he is very funny and generous.

The mother I know is very social and likable, with many friends and family members she sees frequently. I understand her decision to leave my father, but I cannot help feeling angry that she has gone about this in the wrong way (by meeting someone else), and I worry about him.

Due to his tendency to suffer depression and drink excessively, I feel a connection to him. My sister lives nearby and can visit, but she is very emotional, while I am too far away to do so and take a more rational approach to life .There’s nothing I can do to help in this situation. I don’t know what to advise Dad, as he doesn’t have any hobbies or friends – nothing he can devote his life to – and I’m afraid he will end up a lonely alcoholic.

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  1. Although it’s unfortunate that mom already has a boyfriend, it is not her problem to look after your dad because he’s anti-social and a drinker. Maybe that’s why mom finally got the courage to leave. He’s not the kids’ responsibility either.