When Jayden Sutton’s family went through a difficult time, he took matters into his own hands. Every day after school, the adolescent walked 7 miles to work in order to save money for his own automobile.
On the other hand, Jayden’s sacrifice did not go unnoticed. When Jayden’s classmate’s mother saw him walking to work every day, she decided to provide a hand.
One day, Lavonda Wright of Atlanta, Georgia was driving along Brownsville Road with her son when her son’s classmate, Jayden Sutton, ran down the road on foot. When Lavonda’s son saw the young man, he tapped her on the shoulder and said, “I think that’s Jayden,” prompting Lavonda to pull over and offer the young man a lift to work.
Following the meeting, Lavonda said that she could not get the young man and his commute to work out of her mind. She began considering how she might provide Jayden with a car of his own. Using GoFundMe, Lavonda asked friends, family, and generous strangers for $4,000 in charity donations.
More and more people gave as news of Jayden’s story spread, and the original target of $4,000 was more than quadrupled. Lavonda then took the money to a Union City Honda dealership, where she told the general manager about Jayden’s condition and secured him a very good deal on a car.
He was then taken to the showroom by Lavonda, who surprised him with his new vehicle. After taking a first glance around the car, Jayden couldn’t help but smile. Jayden thanked everyone who assisted him and encouraged everyone working toward a goal to keep going after taking in the scenario. You never know when someone will help you.
Source: becauseofthemwecan.com