Having a twin as a sibling can be a special relationship, and many sets of twins feel like they have had a partner since birth. Twins can be identical or fraternal. When one fertilized egg splits into two, identical twins are born, while fraternal twins are born when two separate eggs are fertilized. Identical twins share their DNA, even though they will have genetic differences in the womb, while fraternal twins are just two siblings born on the same day.
Identical twins may prefer to develop an identity that is notably different from their role as twins, whereas other sets of twins embrace their twin-ness much more. As an example. Moreover, there are many stories of identical twin sisters marrying identical twin brothers, living together, and raising their children together in Ohio’s Twin Days Festival every year.
There is no doubt that many sets of twins share a special bond. Both Jalynne Crawford and Janelle Leopoldo had struggled with infertility the previous year. In 2018, they were 30 years old when they discovered that they were pregnant at the same time. Their prayers had finally been answered after a difficult year and they went through the magic of pregnancy together. They even gave birth on the same day!
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Growing up, Jalynne and her twin sister discussed getting married and having babies together. Well, the marriage didn’t work out, but the baby thing sure did! I could never have imagined how special it would be until I started the journey.”
According to PEOPLE. , Jalynne is married to Brandon Crawford, a San Francisco Giant, while Janelle is married to Jason Sergio Leopoldo. Prior to getting pregnant, both sisters suffered from infertility; Jalynne had Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, while Janelle had suffered two miscarriages. However, Janelle had one other child, and Jalynne had three.
During their struggles with fertility, the sisters also experienced a major tragedy: their sister Jennifer had p.a.s.s.e.d a.w.a.y from asthma the year before, and the two were still mourning her d.e.a.t.h. “We told Jalynne that Jennifer (their sister who p.a.s,s.e,d a,w,a,y) would pick our two babies for us in heaven,” she said.

Their parents were grateful for the news of these pregnancies, but they were concerned. Due to the fact that their parents were always present at the births of their grandchildren, they were worried about being present this time since they lived in separate states, Arizona and California. PEOPLE reported that Jalynne and her parents knew they wanted to attend the wedding on the same date.
Jalynne asked her doctor if it would be possible for her and Janelle to give birth on the same day.
Due to the close proximity of their due dates, the doctor said yes. After months of pregnancy, Janelle packed up her belongings and headed to Arizona to be with her sister. By the end of both pregnancies, the sisters appeared to be having identical pregnancies. “We made it to 39 weeks and our scheduled delivery day,” Jalynne told PEOPLE.
“Since my husband only had a few days of paternity leave, Janelle offered to let me give birth first so we would have some extra time with him. Also, I found out I was pregnant four days earlier, so it made sense.” Jalynne said.
The women were given adjacent rooms after their sons were born. We were in each other’s rooms all the time for the three days we were in the hospital. Bryson Ryder Crawford and Jace Alan Leopoldo are the twins’ names. Since Bryson was her fourth child, Janelle said she was done having children while Jalynne wanted two more.
Our family is extremely close and spends much time together, but Jalynne and I are different. Our husbands joke, ‘If you marry one, you marry the other,’ because we love being together so much and talking. When we are apart, there is a piece of us missing.” Janelle said.
We’re glad these sisters got to experience their pregnancies and births side-by-side. What are your thoughts about this situation? Would you ever have a child at the same time as a loved one?
source : apost.com