On her deathbed, my wife told me her last wish in tears: to water the flowers every day.

Losing a loved one is always hard, especially after many years together. A man from Johannesburg named Nigel learned this the hard way when his wife, Phedre Fitton, d_ied of cancer.

Nigel and Phedre spent their lives together until she lost her fight against cancer. Nigel was heartbroken and struggled to cope with her loss. Before she d_ied, Phedre had one last wish: she asked Nigel to take care of the plants in their bathroom by watering them regularly.

Nigel made it his daily routine. He never missed a day of watering the plants.

Phedre was known for her sense of humor, but no one expected her to make the family laugh even after she was gone.

Every time Nigel watered the plants, he thought of Phedre. Sometimes he noticed water running down, but he didn’t think much of it. Five years after her death, when he decided to move, he discovered Phedre’s prank.

The plants were plastic. Nigel wasn’t angry; he was amused and glad that Phedre had pulled such a funny trick.

Nigel’s daughter, Nicol, shared a photo of him watering the fake plants. People found it sweet that he honored his wife’s final wish so faithfully.

This prank brought back many happy memories of Phedre’s playful personality. She was always making people smile, and her family believes she’s laughing from above, watching Nigel finally realize her joke.

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