Put One Garlic in Your Toilet Before Bedtime and See What Happens Following Day

Have you ever heard been told to put a garlic inside the toilet? In our rapid paced world, a lot of mysteries are unraveled daily. And for that reason, we’ll be enlightening you on why you must continually place a garlic in your toilet before going to bed.

Nowadays, with our fast-paced lives and busy schedules, it is difficult to find the time to clean and arrange our homes. Especially if you live alone or are single and have to leave for work early and return late.

Some chores are easy to complete, while others aren’t. Taking care of a bathroom isn’t an easy task because it requires patience, endurance, and dedication. Did you know that the bathroom is one of the places in the house where the most fungi and microorganisms accumulate?

In order to clean the bathroom, most people use very harsh chemicals that are often harmful even though they are effective.
In this post, we will show you how to clean your lavatory with the use of garlic in a extra natural way.

How to clean your toilet with a garlic clove:

Peel a clove and place it in the toilet before going to sleep. Leave it there overnight, and flush the next morning.This procedure should be performed at least twice a week, and usually at night when less people are using the toilet.
Garlic has antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

Another good preference to disinfect the rest room, and one that brings brief results, is using garlic tea.

Learn how to shape it:

boil water for one cup. Once it begins boiling, cut three garlic cloves into small pieces and add them to the water.After 15 minutes, turn off the heat, close the pan, and pour the tea into your restroom.
Just like the first tip, it is better to do this just before bedtime, when the bathrooms are going to be less crowded.
The two tips listed above are the fastest way to disinfect your rest room and eliminate microorganisms in a natural way, and they also eliminate yellow spots in the bathroom.


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