Don’t toss out your yellowed pillows, rescue them with this simple whitening method

Pillows tend to get dirty as natural body oils make their way to the surface. Even if you wash it often, the result is a yellowed, discolored pillow that doesn’t look quite clean after a few months.

CNN reported that bed pillows should be washed two to four times per year, preferably once every three months. No matter how often and thoroughly you wash your pillows, the yellow color is pretty hard to remove – until now. There are a number of ways to clean stained pillows. Before thinking about throwing away or buying new pillows, try these ways to rescue your present yellowed pillows.

Yellow pillows

Bleach and liquid detergent can be used to treat yellowed pillows. Use a hot cycle with extra rinsing.

Afterwards, the pillows will look as good as new:

Regular pillows

Most people wash their pillowcases frequently enough, but how often do you wash your pillows? It’s easy, so don’t be afraid to try it. You’ll need:
– 1 cup powdered laundry detergent
– 1 cup powdered dishwasher detergent
– 1 cup bleach (or bleach alternative)
– 1/2 cup borax

You’ll need to soak your pillow in warm water for 30 minutes before adding the ingredients above, along with more hot water, to create a cleaning solution. Let your pillow soak in that for another 30 minutes. You can then wash your pillow as normal in the machine to remove the stains.

Pillows that need extra care

You’re going to want to try this solution if you have a pillow that can’t be washed in the washing machine, such as a down pillow. Lay your pillow out in the sun the next sunny day to lighten it, then add bleach or vinegar with a small toothbrush to the yellow spots. Baking soda can also be used to absorb moisture and smells.

Microfiber and memory foam pillows

You can also soak your pillow in the washing machine. This is the best option if you have a microfiber or memory foam pillow. All you need to do is place your pillow in a bucket with warm water and detergent, or your own solution (such as the one listed above).

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