Woman Who Looks Nine Months Pregnant Does an Ultrasound and Finds Out She’s Not Pregnant

According to a common saying, “Wealth is health, not gold or silver.” Today, many people do not value their health until they are ill.

It is possible for some people to recover from their conditions, but many do not, and some are left with the disease’s long-term effects.

Generally, people are encouraged to visit their doctors on a regular basis. The frequent doctor’s visits facilitate early detection of underlying ailments, preventing them from deteriorating or becoming life-threatening.

We can use this story as an example of how a reminder of how important health is can encourage people to take better care of their health.

Keely Favell will be spared a life-or-death crisis thanks to a CT scan. Despite everyone’s expectations of becoming pregnant, the scan revealed that something harmful was causing Favell’s growing belly. Below are the details of the intriguing story.

Keely Favell, a Swansea, Wales native, gained weight in 2014 when she was just 24 years old. In addition to her weight gain, the woman also noticed an increase in the size of her belly as time passed.

In contrast, Favell gave it no mind because she didn’t think anything was wrong. Favell said she simply thought she was gaining weight. In a statement to BBC News, she said:

“I didn’t realize anything was wrong until it was too late – I just thought I was putting on wood.”

The Swansea native’s stomach grew even bigger after a few years. At the time, Favell appeared to be severely pregnant, and the woman, as well as her ten-year partner, Jamie Gibbins, agreed.

Home tests came back negative, ruling out the possibility of pregnancy. Therefore, Favell returned to her earlier belief that she was overweight.

In addition, the woman had to deal with inquiries about her “due date” from strangers. Favell noted that the incident was humiliating, and rather than admit she was simply overweight, the woman agreed to the deception.

As a result of Favell’s blackout at work in 2016, her family and coworkers began to worry about her health.

The woman was encouraged to see her doctor, which she did, but the doctors viewed her symptoms as stress at first. “It was a tough period at work,” Favell recalls, “and when I passed out at work, my doctor first put it down to stress.”

The next time I fainted, I was told it was probably a side effect of the acne pills I’d been prescribed – but that made no sense because I had stopped taking them six months earlier,” she said.

Even though Favell’s blood test results ruled out pregnancy, the GP thought she was pregnant.

In January 2017, the doctor referred the woman to her local hospital for an ultrasound, which revealed a stunning finding.

According to BBC News, Favell recalled lying on the bed with her partner beside her while the radiologist slid the probe over her belly. The radiologist’s reaction to the screen image revealed that something wasn’t quite right.

„Her eyes widened in surprise, but the screen remained blank. Something wasn’t right from the look on her face, and when she said she needed to hire a consultant, I panicked. Jamie tried to calm me, but I was paralyzed by fear. Favell made a point.

A CT scan revealed a cyst surrounded by fluid in Favell’s stomach. The doctors then referred Favell to an obstetrics expert. Favell’s condition had deteriorated to the point that breathing and walking were becoming increasingly difficult. She says:

Even walking was difficult at this point, and I had trouble breathing. I was a terrible driver because I couldn’t fit behind the wheel of my car.”

After finally being examined in February 2017, Favell was told she had a large ovarian tumor that could only be removed through surgery. However, the doctor was unable to determine the size of the growth.

In the following month, Favell underwent surgery, and the lump was successfully removed. The object weighed 26 kilograms and was the size of seven newborn children or a seven-year-old child.

“They showed me images of the cyst and explained how huge it was; I couldn’t believe I’d been carrying it around for so long,” Favell said.

Favell was able to have children despite the cyst and operation. She expressed gratitude to her surgeon for removing the growth and giving her back her life.

Source: newyorker.com

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